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Anyone remember where this is?  It has been years since I have been to this area in the park.  This is the courtyard in the Dream Suite above New Orleans Square.
Anyone remember where this is? It has been years since I have been to this area in the park. This is the courtyard in the Dream Suite above New Orleans Square. Click to switch to large image view
The entry way for the Dream Suite.  At the far end is the doorway that leads to the elevator you see from the Pirates queue/Tree house.  To the right is a room for Cast Members as well as a bathroom.  The suite entrance is to the left and the courtyard is behind me.
The entry way for the Dream Suite. At the far end is the doorway that leads to the elevator you see from the Pirates queue/Tree house. To the right is a room for Cast Members as well as a bathroom. The suite entrance is to the left and the courtyard is behind me. Click to switch to large image view
Taking a step back into the courtyard the hallway is the dark area to the slight left and straight.
Taking a step back into the courtyard the hallway is the dark area to the slight left and straight. Click to switch to large image view